180 Outreach

Call for a ride, or register your child at the church office by calling (503) 775-1565.

180 Outreach!

180 is a high energy, fun, and relevant weekend outreach ministry for children in the community, who are in grades 1st through 6th, and 180 Jr. is for children 4 years old through Kindergarten. The program is designed to grow children in their relationship with the Lord and their knowledge and application of the Bible. Each Saturday from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. (in six week sessions) we bring in kids from throughout the community, for a time that is both extremely fun and evangelistic. Most of them are unchurched.  This weekly outreach is filled with exciting games, cool prizes, and a teaching from God’s Word. Our goal is to help these children learn about our Savior by capturing their imagination through exciting stories, hilarious puppet shows, wild object lessons and other creative activities. We top off the afternoon with a hearty lunch and door prizes at the end!

We provide transportation to and from the event with our special 180 Bus, which services various locations in the community.  To have your children picked up, call and register them at the church office at (503) 775-1565.

Time and Location:

Saturdays from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the POBC Gym


TBD due to COVID-19